In the previous chapters 3 elements of the «6C» conception were brought to the light – complexity, commitment, culture. The next conception element is a cloud.
Cloud technologies appearing have influenced business strongly. Small, medium and big business use cloud actively for data storage and processing. Different organizations transfer to the cloud their accountancy, mail, data exchange applications, organize virtual offices and contact center. Cloud technologies practice in the operational business activity, particularly in master data management promotes adding flexibility and scalability, and reduction in expenditure. But it should be kept in mind that all cloud decisions have to be aligned with master data management (MDM).
To get all benefits from cloud business transfer it is necessary to develop proper strategy. Liability for the strategy development shall be borne by company’s management and professional outsourcer. In addition to being fast, flexible and safety, the cloud deployment process should also include:
- a possibility to manage key processes using accurate and timely data;
- a flexible infrastructure that allows rapidly to deploy new services and adjust to scale to comply with the request;
- easy-to-use interface, administrative duties, analytics, mobile applications, social interaction tools, that can be accessed anytime and anywhere;
- an ability to connect to mobile devices, IoT devices, SOA, radio frequency identification (RFID);
- safety: coding, virus scanning, data protecting.