The Rumsfeld Matrix as an effective tool in the decision-making process
During a briefing on the Iraq War, Donald Rumsfeld divided information into 4 categories: known known, known unknown, unknown known, unknown unknown. ...
The modern age doesn’t have statical form. Its essence is usual changes. And the one will be successful who acts in unison with them. Firstly, changes were happened in the information technologies area, that became some kind of strength test. Before COVID-19 situation just 15% of company gave priority to the digital transformation. In this case, they could transform their work process to remote format. Other 85% had to work hard for being in time with rapid technology changes and requirements.
The pandemic has global influence and became a reason of accelerated digital technologies implementation. If recently there was a trend to implement artificial intelligence, augmented reality, cloud analytics, DevOps, but after pandemic such customer support tools like chatbots got their popularity.
Information technologies is a trigger of actual changes, after that it became possible to influence the events’ run surgically: to improve efficiency, upgrade some products or services, introduce new business models and many others. International Data Group* conducted research of the IT decision-makers. 32% of them confirmed positive influence of digital transformation on the revenue with 23% increase.
Progressive companies use the algorithm of integration digital project development for their own requirements and take as the most important element for business life cycle. Due to research of International Data Corporation (IDC)**, the amount of investments in this sector will achieve $2 trillion by the year 2022.
The perturbation must be happened with everybody and every system and it doesn’t depend on scope and business activity. The main role belongs to the TOP-management, who has to come first with all these transformations and understand exactly their value. Also, it’s necessary to understand the scope of transformation, because it will be happened in every business levels. Moreover, it could cause changes in corporation culture and business policy generally.
Taking into account each organization’s individuality, it’s not possible to create one and the only decision. And it means need to be ready for experiments and fails during implementation process and searching own «ideal». In addition, it’s important to remember about work group. Every innovation success also depends on clear reporting of «rules of the game» to every employee and favorable working environment. IT and HR-departments are the link between TOP-management and employees and have the responsibility for this part of process.
Transformations are not always about comfort and commonly bring some challenges and losses. Thus, you shouldn’t ignore the strategy. It’s not a panacea, but clear seeing of the picture will help to recognize risks and prevent damages. And the main responsible person is a TOP-manager, who will understand all process steps, be ready to confront with difficulties, and be the main initiator and support for his team.
*International Data Group – American media and research company, focused on the tech landscape.
** International Data Corporation (IDC) ̶ is an international research and consulting company that investigates world information technologies and telecommunication market.