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Qlik is one of the main assistants of Life Science companies


Life science is a set of science fields that study the nature, structure, functions, behavior of living beings, as well as their development, evolution and relationship with the environment. This section is one of the priority areas for the science and technology development. The life science development has made it possible to significantly improve the quality and standard of living of the population. All developments are the result of processing and comparing a large amount of data. Therefore, the quality process of working with data plays an important role in the development of life science.

Qlik is an assistant to life science organizations to fulfill missions and new discoveries. The tool combines internal and external data for analytics, provides reliable information to all interested users, thereby ensuring a high-quality decision-making process at every stage.

The advantage of the Qlik platform is that all data is collected together and there is no need to switch between different systems (CRM, ERP, etc.). Each user can adapt the platform to their needs and interact with other users (researchers, doctors, patients, suppliers, healthcare organizations, etc.).

Qlik currently enables life sciences companies to explore data from social media and health records. This allows to improve existing developments and determine the priority direction of new ones. The platform is actively used to analyze various studies and identify new hypotheses, which as a result lead to the identification of effective treatment options.

DataLabs is a Qlik Certified Partner. A high level of team competence and an individual approach allows us to find a solution in any situation. You can get additional information on the project by filling out the form at the link

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